about me

Howdy! My name is Nandini and I'm a junior computer science student here in the engineering honors program at Texas A&M. Since I love working with numbers and data, I'm also getting minors in Statistics and Mathematics. I place a huge emphasis on academics, which has allowed me to be a recipient of both the national merit scholarship and president's endowed scholarship, as well as being on the dean's honor roll for most of my time at A&M. I think one of the most rewarding things I’ve done so far here is being able to give back to the engineering community with my new skillset. I’m a teaching assistant for an introductory python class where I get to help underclassmen boost their understanding of difficult coding concepts, as well as improve my own communication skills on technical topics. I also have been trying to come out of my comfort zone recently, which has allowed me many amazing experiences I wouldn’t have had otherwise. I joined a sorority, which is something I never thought I’d do, but I met so many of my best friends through it. I’m now also using my technical skills to give back to that community; as a web tech, I’m working along with one of the other girls to create a sorority website that could be used by all members. Since it’s a service based sorority, I also frequently come together with other members to service the community in other ways, such as volunteering at food pantries or at the A&M gardens. I’m also involved in computer science related organizations on campus, like Aggie Women in CS, Aggie Data Science Club, and participating in the biyearly TAMUHack. These have allowed me to build my skill set and network drastically. I like to improve my knowledge about the industry on my own as well, by building projects or self-learning languages and tools, such as SQL and AWS.